For many students pursuing higher education abroad, bank loans are a crucial source of financing. However, obtaining an education loan can be a challenging and stressful process, with students having to visit banks and provide numerous documents. At Campus International, we offer free guidance and assistance in obtaining education loans for our students.
Our team of experienced advisors has close tie-ups with leading banks that offer loans to students planning to study abroad. We can help students navigate the loan process and find the best loan options available. Our bank loan assistance can ease the burden on both parents and students and save them from the stress of the loan process.
We understand that education is crucial for a student's future, and our goal is to make the loan process as seamless as possible for students and their families. Our advisors are knowledgeable and experienced in navigating the loan process and can provide credible advice and assistance to ensure that students get the financing they need to pursue their dreams of studying abroad.
Explore destinations, universities, and courses. Get comprehensive career assessment, profiling, and guidance on choosing a course.
Choose programs that fit your profile, academic goals and aspirations. Prepare for standardised tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, and GMAT.
Fill out application forms, prepare for interviews, essays and recommendation letters, and arrange documentation as per university requirement.
Obtain a student visa. Attend interview, fill out necessary forms, submit documentation, and prepare for interview.
Secure bank loan, forecast living and other expenses. Plan for part time jobs, open bank accounts and learn to manage funds.
Book flights, airport transfers, accommodation, know what to expect on arrival, and talk to our students in your destination country.
+91 98473 31516