Step 1: Logging In to the Psychometric Portal
Within the comprehensive 34-page career report, you receive detailed career development plans. The assessments evaluate individuals on 56 parameters across 5 dimensions:
EQ (Emotional Quotient)
Assessments offer unbiased and accurate insight into the student's own self. Factors considered when evaluating career assessments include comprehensiveness, appropriateness to the student's context, holistic portrayal of the student, scientific accuracy and reliability, and industry recognition.
Take the comprehensive online career assessment to identify your strengths, aptitudes, and interests.
Receive a personalized career report and guidance with detailed insights and recommendations based on the assessment results.
Utilize expert guidance and development plans to make informed career decisions and take steps toward achieving your goals.
Here is how we help you tailor make your application to your dream university and ensure achieve your education abroad dream, as this Career Pathfinder entails:
Happy Students
Our advisors go above and beyond to make your dreams a reality. With expertise & dedication, we work closely with you and your family to find the best education and career path that will shape your future.